

地热钻头| 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台



全国快3信誉最好的老平台 drillbits.

地热 drilling demands a drill bit that endures downhole temperatures that can exceed 500 degF. Extreme heat and high pressures quickly degrade traditional roller cone bit bearing materials, 导致密封件失效和润滑剂分解. 适用于PDC钻头, conventional cutting elements surrender to hard-impact rock or succumb to the high heat of performance drilling, 导致刀具碎裂或断裂的. These deficiencies mean loss of bit durability that shortens interval runs and increases bit trips—all of which increase drilling costs.

因为没有一个比特适合所有的应用, 全国快3信誉最好的老平台既有牙轮钻头,也有PDC钻头, 测试, and proved for the performance-drilling needs of geothermal wells.


Hear directly from our experts about solutions that optimize geothermal well construction.


Evolution of Cutting Structure Solutions for 地热 Wells

加入大卫。范蒂, 全国快3信誉最好的老平台钻井施工产品冠军, as he explores the results of an extensive global review of the world’s largest drilling data repository of 1,200多口地热井. He will discuss how the drill bit’s evolution over the last few decades has made a significant impact on 降低建井成本.




What sets the 全国快3信誉最好的老平台 geothermal family of bits apart is that we begin developing bit designs based on where the bit meets the rock. And this approach is how we are reshaping PDC bit performance.

我们的 ThermoBlade™ thermal-resistant diamond element bit is the latest evolution of drill bits for high-temperature applications. It saves drilling time by reducing the need for costly bit trips because the bit integrates thermal-resistant diamond cutting elements that mitigate the effects of thermal degradation—cracking and chipping of the cutter surface—during geothermal well construction, 增加耐用性, 延长钻头寿命, 提高整体钻头性能. Thermal stability has even been proved in conditions approaching 1,832 degF [1,000 degC].

我们的 StingBlade™ conical diamond element bit integrates the Stinger™ conical diamond element, which concentrates a higher point load on the rock—literally putting performance on point. 推力杆元件有一个较厚的菱形工作台, and the conical shape is well-known for its ability to withstand extreme compressive loads experienced while drilling high-impact formations that wreck conventional cutters. StingBlade bits provide a 55% increase in footage with a 30% increase in rate of penetration, enabling significant reductions in bit runs and increases in rig-time savings.



The contact-point approach for bit development is equally crucial to roller cone bits. In applications where roller cone bits drill hard and abrasive lithologies to access steam or hot rock in basement formations, 它们遇到的温度超过500华氏度. That’s when standard 300-degF-rated elastomer seals and lubricating material degenerate, 导致轴承失效,导致更多的钻头运行.

当 伊克斯托Kaldera™ 高温密封集成到 伊克斯托™ 优质牙轮钻头, their proven durability in high-temperature applications withstands the conditions required for geothermal well construction—delivering longer seal life, 不稳定, 以及高温下的承载能力. 例如, in geothermal superheated steam applications where temperatures can reach 530 degF [277 degC], 伊克斯托Kaldera密封件带来了最佳性能.


increase in on-bottom drilling time using 探险者卡尔德拉海豹





Leveraging geothermal experience and technologies to drill geothermal wells consistently, 快, 更有效率

Reduce drilling risk in challenging geothermal environments


Flexible systems for use in geothermal drilling and production