

20世纪50年代:新技术、战略收购| 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台


时间:1950 - 1959

斯伦贝谢正在将电子设备整合到它的几个新工具中, 使公司能够提供更小的, 更坚固的设备.

电子学在20世纪30年代成为科学研究的一个领域, but its promise as a powerful 和 commercially viable ingredient in data recording 和 transmission was only just starting to be realized. 斯伦贝谢正在将电子设备整合到它的几个新工具中, 使公司能够提供更小的, 更坚固的设备.

Development efforts were now focused on two types of sophisticated electronic sondes, or probes. The first type was capable of taking high-resolution measurements close to the borehole wall 和 in very thin beds—tools such as the microlog 和 the microlaterolog. 的式微, 1948年推出, was a high-resolution array of three electrodes 和 an insulating pad that could detect permeable zones across which mudcake had formed 当 it was applied to a borehole wall. The microlaterolog investigated deeper 和 delivered data on the resistivity of the flushed zone—the rock around the borehole flushed with drilling fluids.

第二种类型, 感应测井, took measurements farther from the borehole in areas of the formation unaffected by the presence of the well, 使其适用于油基流体钻井. 1946年在德克萨斯州记录了第一次感应日志. The first commercial induction tool was introduced in the Gulf of Mexico in 1952, 和 the first induction-electrical log was brought onto the market four years after that. In 1959, Schlumberger introduced what became the industry-st和ard induction array. These new tools provided accurate data that could be computer processed to give a quantitative interpretation of the potential oil production of the reservoir rock.

In 1951, 斯伦贝谢开始试验一种微中子装置, which could measure formation porosity by sensing the amount of hydrogen present. Work also got under way on another technique for quantifying formation porosity based on attenuation of gamma rays. 声波测量, 1952年推出, provided better depth control for perforations 和 for placing well completion equipment; their use quickly spread into other areas, 如岩石性质评价, 孔隙度和裂缝分析, 水泥的评估, 以及测井资料与地震资料的对比.

The technology later incorporated into the Schlumberger accelerator porosity tool (APT) had its origins around this time, 1955年开始的“放慢时间”的研究," a technique to measure formation hydrogen concentration by detecting energy reduction of source neutrons. The precursors to today's modular fluid sampling 和 pressure testing tools also emerged, 当, in 1956, Henri Doll patented methods of determining hydraulic characteristics of formations traversed by a borehole.

Schlumberger also strengthened its operations through restructuring 和 strategic acquisitions. Schlumberger Limited was created as a holding company registered in Curaçao in 1956. Henri Doll was appointed as its first Chairman of the Board of Schlumberger Limited, 和, 马塞尔·斯伦贝谢去世三年后, 他的儿子皮埃尔·斯伦贝谢成为总统. The company bought 50% of each of the French drilling rig companies Forage et Exploitations Pétrolières (Forex) 和 Société Languedocienne de Forages Pétroliers (Languedocienne) in 1952 和, 四年后, 收购了约翰斯顿测试公司, the first of many acquisitions enabling Schlumberger to supply a more complete spectrum of formation evaluation measurements.

Alert to the potential stresses placed on the company's knowledge base by its rapid expansion, in 1956 Schlumberger initiated the practice of assigning senior technical staff to support young field engineers—a move that has served the company well ever since. 罗杰Jost, 1927年在Pechelbronn进行第一次原木作业的三人之一, 被派到巴黎办事处, 他在那里回答问题并在设备部署前对其进行测试. 今天, all Schlumberger engineers benefit from a centralized system connecting them to people 和 information, 所以在一个地方学到的经验可以被所有人学习. In 1959, Schlumberger established its first engineering center in Clamart, France.

一年 事件
1950 Introduces laterolog tool for focusing currents into thin rock layers beyond the borehole

发射 技术检讨 的前身 油田审查)
1951 介绍了测量井附近电阻率的微侧向测井工具

Begins experiments with microneutron device to measure formation porosity by sensing the amount of hydrogen present

Starts work on attenuation of gamma rays, leading to a technique for quantifying formation porosity

1952 收购50%的Forex和Languedocienne钻井公司股份


Introduces sonic measurements for better depth control for perforations 和 placing well completion equipment
1953 马塞尔·斯伦贝谢去世
1954 介绍了记录井径的微测井方法

1955 Begins work on "slowing down time" technique to measure formation hydrogen concentration by detecting energy reduction of source neutrons
1956 收购美国测试和生产公司Johnston Testers


Forms Schlumberger Limited in Curaçao as holding company for all Schlumberger businesses

Patents method for determining hydraulic characteristics of a formation traversed by a borehole
1957 完成第一密度测井, 利用伽马射线衰减实现体密度测量

Acquires Electro-Mechanical Research (EMR) that included three divisions: Princeton Division (ASCOP), 萨拉索塔产品部, 及系统部
1959 在Ridgefield开发了补偿地层密度(CFD)工具的原型
