

Offshore Australia Otway Basin | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

Offshore Australia 奥特威盆地调查

More than 7,000 km2 of 2D seismic data across this deepwater province offshore Australia


Gain comprehensive regional insights of Otway Basin

奥特威盆地, 特别是沉船槽, is well explored and has been a petroleum producing province for more than 50 years. Outboard in water depths greater than 500 m, the basin was vastly underexplored through 2020, with only distant well control and sparse 2D seismic data coverage.

斯伦贝谢已经 acquired more than 7,000 km2 of 2D seismic data 穿过深水盆地. The new data and reprocessed legacy interleaving lines enable comprehensive regional interpretation, providing insights into the structural elements and extension of proven supersequences from the shelf to deepwater—creating high industry interest in the 2021 acreage offer.

Subsequent petroleum system modeling now provides a foundation for future opportunities to better understand prospectivity, including the distribution of source, 储层, 和密封相.

Otway盆地遗留数据 奥特威盆地对数据进行了重新处理
遗产与. newly acquired Otway Basin seismic data.