

CemFIT柔性水泥系统 | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

CemFIT Flex


FlexSTONE advanced flexible cement technology.

Maximize cement flexibility for endurance

CemFIT Flex柔性水泥系统 helps ensure long-term zonal integrity with its low Young's modulus across a wide density range. This mechanical property makes the system flexible enough to withstand common cement sheath stresses from operations and downhole events such as 射孔, temperature and pressure variations, and 钻井.


The mineral-based CemFIT Flex system is easy to blend and mix using conventional equipment, unlike flexible systems that rely on foaming or elastomeric additives for their flexibility. Designs can also be enhanced with use of the CemSTRESS cement sheath stress analysis software or CEMENTICS分层隔离软件.

For customized or tailored flexible cement solutions requiring extensive confirmation testing and software analysis, FlexSTONE advanced flexible cement technology 可能更合适.

CemFIT Heal flexible self-healing cement system.
With low Young’s modulus across a wide density range, CemFIT Flex system minimizes the risk of cement mechanical failure to help ensure long-term well integrity.